Saturday, January 30, 2010



 have seen such a case when one my friend forgot the password of
his memory card of his mobile phone and he have some very important
data in the memory card which he want to recover, he tried almost
everything then he lost hope and then asked the mobile phone company to
find the way to recover the data from the memory card.

But you don’t worry if you are having the same problem…as now there is a much simple and easy way out.

Requirement: You need a file explorer like FExplorer which you can download from here.

How to Unlock MMC card:

Method 1:

1. Insert card into your phone but don’t access it through phone.
2. Run FExplorer and Open the path C:\system.
3. You will find a file called mmcstore ,rename the file mmcstore.txt
4. Copy that file(mmcstore.txt) to your pc and open that file in notepad.
5. You will find your password in that file.

Method 2:

Applicable to all nokia phones which are s60 2nd or s60 3rd edition series phones.check out here.

If you still have any problem in finding your password for your memory card ,leave a comment here.



 have seen such a case when one my friend forgot the password of
his memory card of his mobile phone and he have some very important
data in the memory card which he want to recover, he tried almost
everything then he lost hope and then asked the mobile phone company to
find the way to recover the data from the memory card.

But you don’t worry if you are having the same problem…as now there is a much simple and easy way out.

Requirement: You need a file explorer like FExplorer which you can download from here.

How to Unlock MMC card:

Method 1:

1. Insert card into your phone but don’t access it through phone.
2. Run FExplorer and Open the path C:\system.
3. You will find a file called mmcstore ,rename the file mmcstore.txt
4. Copy that file(mmcstore.txt) to your pc and open that file in notepad.
5. You will find your password in that file.

Method 2:

Applicable to all nokia phones which are s60 2nd or s60 3rd edition series phones.check out here.

If you still have any problem in finding your password for your memory card ,leave a comment here.



GREATLY INCREASE THE RAM SPEED AND BATTERY BACK-UP OF MOBILE PHONE USING MEMORYUPIs your phone slow and have a short memory back up time which is considerably decreases day by day ? If yes then don’t worry because i have very simple handy solution to this problem.Why Phone becomes slow and have less back up time ?Normally there are lots of applications keep running in thebackground on the other hand also consuming about most of yourRAM(random access memory) due to which your phone becomes slow consumesthe phone memory so the memory back up time also decreases considerably.Solution to the above situation is Memory UpSome of the main features of Memory Up: -1. It sets up a Smart management of Java virtual machine (JVM) which manually performs a quick boost for your phone2. It also has warning RAM at your preset threshold3. Memory Up runs in the background so makes an efficient use of the memory of your smartphone4. Performs a advanced boosting features (like prohibit kernel to disk swapping, auto-allocate critical threads, etc.)Compatibility: compatible with the following modelsLG: B2000, B2050, B2070, B2100, B2150, C1100, C1150, C2000, C2500, C2600, C3100, C3300, C3400, CG225, CU400,Motorola: A1200, A760, A768, A780, A835, C168,C257, C261, C290, C350, C350M, C380, C385, C390, C450, C550, C650,C975, E1000, E1070, E380, E398, E398B, E398i, E550, E680, E680i, E770,E770-Vodafone, E790, E815, i830, i930, K1, KZRK K1, L2, L6, L6i,L7-Vodafone, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, MPX220, PEBL U6, Razr V3,RAZR V3m, Razr V3x.Nokia: 2355, 2610, 2626, 2650, 2760, 2855i, 2865,2865i, 3100, 3105, 3110c, 3120, 3125, 3152, 3155, 3200, 3220, 3230,3250, 3300, 3410, 3510i, 3530, 3586i, 3587, 3595, 3600, 3620, 3650,3660, 5070, 5100, 5140, 5140i, 5200, 5300, 5500d, 6010, 6015, 6020,6021, 6030, 6060, 6060v, 6061, 6070, 6080, 6085, 6100, 6101, 6102,6102i, 6103, 6108, 6111,7610, 7650, 8800, 8800 Sirocco, 9210, 9290, 930Free Download of Memory Up Slandard Edition



default user code : 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678

Engineer mode : *#110*01#

Factory mode : *#987#

Enable COM port : *#110*01# -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200

Restore factory settings : *#987*99#

LCD contrast : *#369#

Software version : *#800#

Software version : *#900#

Set default language : *#0000# Send

Set English language : *#0044# Send

Set English language (new firmware) : *#001# Send

Sefault user code : 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678

If anyone knows more china mobile codes, pls let me know. 



Airtel High speed GPRS:->Apn:>IP:>Port:8080>Hp: http://LINKX.IN/AIRTELFREE



The only thing you need is PC Internet.If your phone supports full internet then u can try in ur phone, No probs! First go to- u will see POST ADD option there.-Yes,Click it then post ur any ad.-Now ur ad is created,Please search ur ad name again after 2 days in that site. Bcoz system takes time to verify ur ad.-Search ur ad name then u will see TALK NOW option.-Insert ur different mobile no. there, then u wil get a call, Receive it, Now you are going to talk freely.100% WORKING! NOT FAKE!NOTE:-You can talk for 1.30 sec only,after that retry the same-You can talk 3-4 calls only,But u can try on different mobiles.



Follow This Simple Steps:--Keep Ur Balance Below Rs.0.030-Open Ucweb Any Jar Version And-Connect With Airtel Alive, And Minimize It and-Open Ur Default Browser,connect with Airtel mobile Office [50kb/30ps Plan]And-Go to and Minimize it and Open the Ucweb Which U minized already and Browse And Download its Free.Speed is 10-20 Kbs Per Sec.Don,t Disconnect Airtel Mobile Office Connection.



Aircel gprs~change the proxy address to200.98.45.222andleave the port as it is.


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